In Search Of...

Temo Wolfe

As he proceeded to his next quarry, he listened to the noises of the forest. The gentle wind in the tree tops and birds singing their songs and the chipmunks chattering as they bounded from tree to tree. Temo liked summer, everything was alive during the summer. And he was using the time not only to research the area, also to try and help bring himself into a better mood about the whole pack move and stuff.

He saw movement near the dwelling that he was headed too and wondered who and which originating pack they were from. Then a sudden thought came to him. What if they were not from the pack, but a loner that had homesteaded in the area. They might not be happy to have a pack moving in.

He breathed a silent sigh of relief that this was not the case when the other stepped out and started talking. By her question, he figured she had been with one of the former packs. "Hello, I'm Temo, and yes, I lived in Phoenix Valley." he greeted and answered the young female. "Which are you from?" he asked her and said, "I had not met everyone from Phoenix Valley yet and here I am with another pack added in."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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