I will face my fear

Word Count » 3+

His stomach was still slightly swollen with the excess of food it had stored from the night prior. Although the man detested laziness, he had allowed himself a peaceful morning - Rising with the sun as always, but remaining within his throne room.

There was much to be thought about. Things he wanted, things he needed - Things Salsola would soon need. The Supper had pleased him, for with all its frivolity it was a practical ritual, one that served the purpose of ingraining pack structure within its members, and sharing information. Eris and Larkspur were mated, and although on the shallow surface this might had irritated him, deep within the Thistle King knew it to be an important step forward. It concreted bonds within the pack, and made them stronger, more secure. Already they had had children, and perhaps he should have been less lenient with the out of wedlock offspring, but they were near to his thorny heart also - None more than Salvia.

She had blossomed. It was difficult to describe how the girl's two-legged form changed her, but it had; Her value had increased immensely. However, that was not to say that the child had been less than worthy as a pup; Before he had donned the title of Boss, Sirius had used some of his time to school the girl in the art of the Hunters, as he had with her mother. Unlike Eris, who was passable at best, Salvia possessed true form to the skills of survival. She was fast becoming the most dangerous weapon that Salsola possessed.

This was one of the reasons that, as midday passed mildly by, Sirius' thoughts circulated on her. At the supper, Salvia had requested of him her passing into adulthood, and as he believed necessary, the Thistle King had presented her with a challenge. It had been a merciless challenge indeed, and one that he would have given to no other, not even the strong boychild Pan. He had asked the girl to do what grown men could not - To steal into the very heart of Inferni, and take from the clan something worthy of attention. However, the item she stole mattered precious little, and was more for sake of proof of the task complete; It was whether she returned with her life or not that marked the real test.

Warm afternoon light did not dissuade his increasingly anxious thoughts. Perhaps he had asked too much of Salvia - But she shows such promise, such skill - Perhaps she had been discovered - Eris will never forgive me for the death of her daughter... Irritated by the unruly turn of his thoughts, the Boss left his crumbling stone chambers, and strolled out into the mild warmth.

Her call brought his attention, and at once Sirius was in motion - With the swift movements of a fox, he leaped over a crumbling stone wall, using his hands for balance as long legs swung agilely over. He took a few paces, rounded a corner and there she was.

A smile crossed the man's maw, but it was genuine, and felt strange on his mouth. "Salvia," Arms were held out wide, beckoning her increasingly adult body forth into a rarely offered hug. "Come to me."

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