April showers bring May flowers
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The breeze from the ocean cooled his coal colored body and pushed the furs back against his face. Leaning into the breeze he felt refreshed, it certainly was convenient living so close to the water. He smiled softly at his company upon noticing her pet dove continue to shrink away from him. “I guess he just doesn't like me.” The giant teased lightly. He had never gotten along well with other animals. At one point in his life he believed he would find himself a pet to keep but as of late all creatures other than canines appeared to hold a certain distaste for his presence. But that suited him fine because he didn't care much for animals he considered to be prey. Being raised by non luperci parents out in the wild, living in caves, he had grown up knowing that everything that wasn't a dog was fair game for food. Now he had to hold back his instincts around horses and birds that his friends kept as companions.

Looking down at his chest he could clearly see the large scars which wrapped down and across his hip. He still felt sorry for hurting the bear but he knew that he had done it with the intention of protecting his family and he would certainly do it again if the need arose, hopefully it wouldn't though. “It's good. Amata was on my case continuously for weeks. Honestly I'm just glade I have some privacy back.” It had been hard on the Knight to stay in bed for so many hours of the day. He was use to doing his rounds, cleaning his weapons, visiting Halifax and chit chatting with new people. Being stuck in bed was not his idea of fun and never would be. “How are you and Mati?” Everyone in Crimson Dreams knew of the couple by now as they had finally moved in together. It was a little strange for Jazper at first, seeing two of the little girls he had watched grow up suddenly find a romantic relationship in each other, but he was happy for the two.


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