the clouds roll in
Iskata had returned to the beach to see if she could find Faolin's mother. Meeting up with her daughter would be nice to, but she figured that her friend was busy with her clan. The elder coyote had a little explaining to do, but even more the silver and gold wolf wanted to know if the lady even was going to do a thing about her issues. She felt sorry for the elder for the things that Haku had done to her but she doubted that the coyotes methods of easing the pain were really any better than what she'd went through. She moved along the edge of the clan's lands as she shook her head sadly.

The wind whipped across her pelt as the sands beat against her ribs. Stretching out her long legs she kept her head bowed and her eyes half closed. She had been following the scent of the elderly one until she'd lost it in the rising storm... now she was in a bit of trouble. A wolf in the middle of the clan lands wasn't really something to laugh about, especially for the wolf. She doubted that any of the clan members would believe her if she mentioned that she was Faolin's friend, she doubted that the clan would even want to believe that their leader was friends with wolves. Pausing for a moment she felt the grit digging into her fur as she tried to get a hold on the beachfront.

Too soon she realized that she would have to keep moving to outrun the storm or atleast find cover. All she could hope was that she made it out of the lands before Gabriel found her or one of the members who had a vendetta against her kind. Running into Faolin or her mother she figured she'd be fine, except for a tongue lashing or two. She trudged on through the sands as the wailing out at sea seemed to rise. Lifting her head she kept her ears folded back as she tried to look for cover, not too far away she caught the sight of something that confused her, not cover or Gabriel but the small frame of a child.

She stopped for a second before the winds began to bear down on her, finally giving in she headed towards the child. Quickening her pace she yelled out, "What are you doing?" She had no clue what in the world a small pup was doing out in the open, especially in these conditions... As she approached she realized the small one wasn't as young as she believed, though still a child. Nearly running upon the girl she looked around, trying to find a safe place to waitout the storm.

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