if your stomach feels weak

Okie doke! <3

Kansas had not yet had the opportunity to hold a grudge. He didn't see the point to keeping so much anger inside; it hurt you more than it did the one you so hated. He hadn't really made the connection; he hadn't realized that all the attackers mentioned had been coyotes. She asked about DaVinci; his eyes narrowed in thought before he nodded slowly. He had a faint recollection of a young male coming to see them, but he only remembered the event, nothing specific about his brother. Just as he was wondering why she was telling him this, she explained, and his eyes widened. It occured to him how little he knew about his mother.

His kindhearted, wise mother had been raped. He hadn't known any wolves this had happened to. Or so he thought. It was such a horrible thing to imagine, so wrong and so selfish. And it had happened to Iskata. He felt his stomach burn with anger, and he looked away, giving himself a few moments to collect himself. She was fine now. It hadn't changed who she was. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." He knew now what the beginnings of hate were, but he felt them toward those who had harmed his family, and was happy to realize that he didn't find himself loathing coyotes completely. "No... I don't. They couldn't be all bad."

Kansas loved how she felt comfortable enough to tell him her fears, or at least, this one. He didn't want their family ripped apart, either... Not any more so than it already was. He wasn't prepared to lose more of those he loved. He gave her a look of sympathy and understanding, saying, "I'll do what I can so that doesn't happen, too." Her reassurance made the anger inside warm and melt away. "Oh... thank you." Count on him? That seemed far-fetched. He hadn't done anything noteworthy, not like she had. "I'll be here for you and Ember, all right? That's all I want to be right now." He was repeating himself, but he had to be sure she knew.


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