M. Censored

She would go for as much as she could get, because she would smoke it often if she had it and wanted it to last. She didn't worry about the dried leaves losing their potency because she felt certain that she'd have it all smoked by the time that would have happened. Perhaps the drug would help her get some sleep at night; there had been an instance in which she had smoked until she'd fallen asleep, and her sleep that night had been some of the best she'd gotten in months. Normally she was quite the insomniac.

She took a hit and then another as he used his bong, enjoying the familiar burn that touched the back of her throat. This was some pretty good stuff. She had come to the right place, hmm? So maybe it wasn't just by luck that she had found this garage. She set his piece down, not wanting to appear over-eager or greedy by smoking too much. He seemed like a pretty chill guy, but a part of her never let her settle down completely or allow herself to relax next to someone who wasn't a close friend or family member.

Naniko considered what she had to trade. She had...pretty much nothing. She carried her weapons with her, yeah, but they weren't going anywhere. She needed her axe and he probably already had one anyway...she had the location of a few pot plants, but if he gave her some of his stock then she didn't need to travel to all that distance to those plants. "I have the plants...I could bring them to you, if you wanted. But for the amount I need...four ounces will get me by for now...but I plan on returning if you'd be open to that. I could bring more things later..but at the same time I know I wouldn't trust someone who couldn't pay up front."

The idea hadn't occurred to her at all until she looked down at herself to make sure that she wasn't carrying anything on her that she could possibly trade. "I have myself..." She got up and made to stand in front of him, looking down. "I could even earn some credit, perhaps, with all the things I'd be willing to do. It'd be really, really fun, too. I need this stuff; if you think it'd be a fair trade...then I could start right now." She wasn't known to Barrett as a pack leader or any sort of authority figure, and didn't feel that this was a bad trade. She wanted the drugs, most young wolves wanted one thing.

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