In Search Of...

gha, I get more failsause with each post.

Temo Wolfe

Temo pondered a few moments, then spoke, "Good to meet you, Arye. I came with my mate Jace and joined Phoenix Valley just in time for a bad snowstorm a few months ago. Between that, the aftermath, and other issues," a haunted look flashed through his eyes, "I never got around to meeting and getting to know the whole pack, only a few, and Pripyat was not one."

He wondered what Jace was up too and how she was coping with the whole situation. He wondered what she was doing at the moment. Sadness coursed through him but other than his eyes, he did not show it. He did not want to trouble others with his and Jace's feelings about the move.

Temo glances towards the human habitation and sighed. "I am trying to make the best of the situation and exploring and searching. Hopefully, I can find stuff that would be useful for helping getting Jace and I, as well as any one else settled. Temo's gaze returns to Arye, "How are you doing with the change?" He asked.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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