I am the night

OOC here! Table by Sie; Image from Flickr

Her touch would have brought on comfort if this had been any ordinary day, but he couldn’t feel anything but cold and heat kicking up the thunder within. It made him angry to think about the pale sister he had love, and speaking of her out loud brought on more of the storm. She drew away from him, but this allowed her to glare at her eyes, and he watched her black pupils swallow lovely hued irises. But he could only see one face before him, and it hurt because she hadn’t known him. He hadn’t considered Salvia’s reaction to such news, and would perhaps regret his inability to keep his feelings in check at a later time.

Dull claws curled into the soft earth beneath him, holding onto the ground so that he wouldn’t fall into the endless amount of sky above. How strange that childish fear would come and hunt him at such an hour. The boy’s strong heart drummed selfishly, and there was a sick happiness to the dangerous taste of her question. Only she would understand him so easily, and Wretch had never ever been a true sibling of theirs. He hadn’t known where he was—had not strayed so far from home before, but he could guess. ”Between Anathema and that coyote pack,” he rumbled.

But Pandemic could not hold on to the ground. The boy’s peaked energy could not be contained by stillness. ”She didn’t even recognize me!” he roared, his voice stronger than that of a young boy. It bothered him that he couldn’t share Salvia’s current form, it didn’t feel right to be so different. How could Wretch fail to recognize her own flesh and blood? Nothing was more important than family in Pan’s little world, and he couldn’t understand that the light sibling didn’t want to be a part of it anymore.

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