[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 306 words

How could something as simple as a flower be so hard to pluck from the ground? He had been able to easily remove others in order to put into his bath so why couldn't he do this one? It seriously blew his mind. When had he become so weak that even a flower could best him? A plant, while it might be living, was unable to fight him off so why did he have so much trouble with it? Why couldn't he get it to come out of the ground like he wanted it to. He whined even though there was no one around to hear him.

Or at least he had thought that there wasn't anyone else to hear him until his puppy showed up suddenly. He gave a happy little yip and his tail wagged as he released the flower to hold his arms out to the other to be picked up and hugged. "Wanted to show you." He said and pointed to the flower that he had been tugging on. "Look, it's so big."

This way was certainly easier than trying to uproot the flower in order to be able to drag it back. So it was an unexpected, but very good, surprise for him to find Janos was here with him. He enjoyed spending any time that he possibly could with his puppy. "You working?" The question came out as he turned his attention away from the flower in order to look up at Janos. Had the other been sent out to look for him or had he chosen to do it on his own? Or had Janos even been looking for him? For all he knew the other could have just been cutting through the area in order to get somewhere else to complete a task that he had been given.


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