sorry i've waited so long, but here i am now

It seemed as though his work was never done, always he had something to do whether it be shoveling dung, clearing out the stables, feeding the animals or repairing stuff, always he was busy busy busy and that was just the way the Austral man liked it. He had no time for those who laid about and did not contribute to the community and looked down upon them with something akin to but not quite scorn for the man believed that most people could be redeemed in the eyes of the pack and deserved a second chance, only the most evil and selfish of people were condemned immediately in his eyes.

He was consumed with his work so much so that at first he almost didn't notice the white female with the blue markings come in, he knew her name only by passing, Mizu even though she was technically part of his family. He stopped his work reluctantly as the female all but barged into the stables. He nodded slightly at her as she mentioned them finally meeting at last and a small smile was afforded her although it was somewhat stiff as though he had forgotten how to smile fully.

He took her hand gently and shook it with care as he always did with females, not wanting to risk crushing thier dainty paws in his huge fists,

"Pleasure it is to be meeting you Mizu, I am apologise for us not seeing of each other before this moment." The man shook his head as though getting rid of cobwebs and unwanted thoughts. He looked back deeper into the stables and mentally calculated about the work that he still had to do before turning back to Mizu,

"Would you be minding if I worked while we talked? I have lots to be doing before tonight."

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