I will face my fear

Word Count » 3+

There was a fire within the girl, heated flames that coiled with green sparks in her eyes. So much potential - Larkspur's strength, and Eris' inherent canniness. Sirius was pleased with his efforts in teaching her, for her skills as a Huntress would surely one day challenge his own. With this thought came the prickling sense of wariness; While Salvia may eventually surpass him, she must never be allowed to know it, believe it. Her loyalty was crucial, and the Thistle King ingrained it into her even now, when his body radiated with prime health and prowess. Salvia Eternity belonged to him, just as her mother and father did, and while he held her in 'special' regard, her subservience to him was the only thing that kept the girl in a position of learning and bettering herself.

That was the trouble with crafting a brilliant weapon - The fear that one day, it might be turned upon its creator.

The tawny girl held out her palm, and within it, the strange bottle. Pupils narrowed, observing the bizarre scripture upon it. He knew the human language when it was presented in English, the way the twolegs living in London had used it, but these scribbles were strange and unfamiliar. Slowly, the Revlis man took it from her, weighing the bottle in his hand. Her explanation was given no sign of heed, but for a single curt nod to show that he was satisfied with her actions.

He would have Eris or Tlantli examine the contents of the mysterious container, and for now kept it sealed, the small paranoid voice within warning him of poisonous substances that could be inhaled. Piercing eyes lifted to the girl again, and the sharp Cheshire smile oozed from his features before disappearing into broodiness once more. "Come with me," Came the abrupt order, and the Thistle King turned on his heel and began to walk back the way he had come. There were items waiting for him in his Throne room, items that now had a belonging to the girl with the viper's eyes.

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