In Search Of...

Temo Wolfe

Temo was hoping that if he made an effort and opened up to others some, maybe he could make friends. This was something Jace had mentioned to him on numerous times to him, that he needed to meet everyone and make friends. It was his nature to go off alone and do stuff alone. He always tried to figure out how to do something by himself rather than find help. During the trek to the new pack lands, he had thought maybe with the merge and move, he could also turn over a new leaf and try to be more outgoing and make friends.

Temo glances around them, "It is different around here, from what I can see, but then I did not get around much in Phoenix Valley." His gaze settled back to the cream colored wolfess, "I am going to try and get around the whole area, this time and be a more productive pack member." Some sadness flashes behind his black eyes as his thoughts returned to Jace. "If we do not decide to go."

With a quiet sigh, Temo looked down at his bag, pondering the few items he had found. His thoughts about Phoenix Valley and the various happenings that had happened. "With a new pack and a new pack land to live in and explore, maybe we can leave the ghosts of the past to haunt alone the lands of Phoenix Valley where they had risen." He said in a quiet and subdued voice.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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