Allow me a ride
yaaaay rank threads are <3 is it okay if we foredate this to the 9th of july? cause leon is away until the 8th


He was sleeping for once, it was a miracle and he was grateful for it although surprised he could feel his own consciousness from within the dream. In the real world León rolled over in his hammock straying dangerously close to the edge of it and to falling out, occupying the space that his daughter, Analise normally did but today the Austral queen in waiting was no where to be found. Several minutes later the man again rolled over ad off of his hammock landing on the floor with a loud thump and a yell as he was shocked awake, almost instantly a throbbing pain flared up on the back of his head and the man growled softly.

Rubbing his head and wincing the man when through his normal morning routines of exercise and tied his hair back before setting off towards the stables again. As preoccupied as he was it took him some time on his approach to the stables to notice the woman standing at the paddock fence. Her fur color was made up of several different shades of brown, an he found the merging of the colors intriguing. As he got closer he heard her speaking as though talking to herself about wanting to know what it was like to ride a horse, also as he got closer the horses noticed that the person the usually fed them was here and started moving towards the fence near to Luna with interest.

He chuckled and called out to the woman he was unable to see the ghost that was with her, "Hola Chicka! You are wanting to know about horses yes?" He got closer and gestured for her to follow him into the stables,

"I can be teaching you about the horses, and I can show you how to ride if you are wanting?" The Austral man always liked introducing the other to the pleasure that was a horse's company.

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