At the Stables
slight pp to get shizzle going, hope you don't mind Smile


The man laughed happily as the burned and scarred woman ran to hug him, his arms went around her back and he squeezed, happy to see her after his long month away, he had missed her as he had missed all of his friends and his family, extended and blood related. "I have been being away trading for things that AniWaya needs and for gifts." He noticed her rubbing her arm and heard the whine of pain, both making him frown slightly as she let go and begin backing away from him as though he were something to fear, his frown deepened, what was wrong with her? Now he was very concerned about her and followed her forwards a few steps, a confused and concerned look upon his face as she cried into the mare's mane.

Her stuttering was pitiful and pulled at his heart strings, the man hated seeing his friends so upset especially over something that was not thier fault. His anger at the Cour des Miracles male seeped back into him and the fur along his spine stiffened noticeably but when he spoke his voice was soft and lilting,

[color-blue]"No I think no different of you chicka, you are a woman who has been wronged most grievously by a man, If anything it is him who should cry for committing such an evil and horrible act of brutality against a femme."[/color] He was sad that she had experienced the worst of the male kind before she had experienced the true pleasures a male could give her, now she would be scared of men for a long time and become even more secluded than she already was, he hoped the present he had brought for her would go towards helping her recover and from how the mare helped calm her down he was sure it would,

"If you would be coming with me outside Shiloh, I can be showing you what I have brought back for you." The man smiled gently trying to reassure her that he was still her friend and that he held no ill thoughts towards her. He gestured for her to follow him and turned to leave the stables where the mare he had brought back for her was tied up. She was still stood where he had left her, surveying her new home with a calmness that betrayed her gentle nature, other horses might have freaked out at being tied up in a new area but the mare was as calm as could be.

The mare was a light grey color, almost the same color that Shiloh herself was with large and caring brown eyes that looked over the two wolves with an air of at lease, her right hind leg had a darker sock that extended three or four inches above her hoof and a white blaze that traveled from her forehead down the center of her head and nose and ended on her velvety muzzle, breaking the soft lips in half with its color.

"She ees for you Shiloh, the merchant man had named her Katelyn which means Pure Beauty but he said she would most likely become attached to any other name if you wanted to rename her." As though rehearsed out beforehand, the mare walked to the end of the rope and stretched her head out towards Shiloh with an interested look in her body posture, although the rope kept her several foot away from the female.

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