sorry i've waited so long, but here i am now
I realised this was a couple of days after she met Shurui so her wrist would still be shattered


As grumpyish as he was feeling today her bright and happy smile went some of the way towards dispelling his surprisingly disgruntled mood and the slightly negative feelings he had developed about her person. He had never truly met this woman or had a conversation with her so he shouldn't have judged her, the man was slightly ashamed of his actions and rearrange his face into a more accommodating expression, the smile on his maw widening and becoming more genuine. He nodded at her question, help would be greatly appreciated although as he looked at the bandage on her wrist he frowned slightly, he didn't want her straining herself trying to help him,

"If you are wanting to with your wrist then it would be appreciated of your helping me." He waved off her concerns about her disrupting him, he looked out of the door of the stable taking into consideration of the light level and temperature, he figured it was about midday or so, in which case he would take a lunch break in a human hour,

"Es no troubles at all, I am not be going for a break for a small while." Her enthusiasm for the animals pleased him, he was always happy when people took interest in the animals that helped them in their daily lives. He moved deeper into the stables and gestured for her to follow him towards the feed room where all the food for them was stored. He showed her each different type of food that they kept and also some of the ones that weren't in season they had sometimes as well, named it and described what quantities they fed them to the horses and why they did it that way. He tilted his head to the side and asked if she understood him so far.

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