why do you build me u[p], buttercup?
Fade to black here? (I hope the PP is okay!) I’ll PM you when I start our new thread ^w^
WC: 572

Just as the dark male had heard the soft snap of wood in the nighttime silence, so had the obsidian fae. Her movements ceased as she became a part of the thick darkness of the woods. Black auricles pressed forward as her nose twitched, the air drawn in to analyze the scents. White orbs briefly turned toward her hunting partner, their lunar glow fierce and yet quiet. The scent of deer had flooded her senses, igniting both instinct and hunger. A pink tongue flickered out to wet her black lips in anticipation. Graceful paws carried the dark-furred foreigner further down the path, each step placed carefully in silence. Her movements were slow now, each step deliberate. The sinew beneath her shorter, dense coat gathered for precision, quivering with an eagerness that only a hunter could know. Those strange eyes caught sight of the stragglers, and she paused. Two does and a fawn. The fawn would no doubt be easiest to catch. But, although she was hungry, she was not starving, and she wanted bigger game. Of the does, one was older, but age had not yet progressed enough to allow for weakness. Instead, the older doe would have more experience. Thus, the black Jindo-wolf chose to pursue the younger of the does. Another brief glance was spared to the male, her strong maw thrusting once to indicate her choice. With a flick of her plume, the female was stationary no more.

Like the shadows of the imagination, the tenebrous fae darted forth, her lithe, sinewy form covered by the shade of the night. She was quick, and she hoped that her partner was quick as well. Unused to the act of partner hunting, and perhaps too accustom to hunting alone, the black fae neglected to give any sort of signals to the male with whom she shared the hunt. TaeKyung moved as she fought, alone and swiftly, giving no hint of her next attack. The Jindo-wolf closed the distance between the startled deer and herself, allowing only the two unchosen to scatter to unknown destinations. The white, lunar orbs were focused only upon her prey. She sprung when the moment was right, snapping at the doe’s hind heels. The doe turned in panic, falling unintentionally but perfectly into Barret. But TaeKyung was a proud wolf, and the hunter and hunger within her did not allow her male partner to take the kill. The smaller hybrid turned sharply on her paws, using the ground as her support and for power. She leapt forth as the doe was turning, and the hybrid was able to catch the deer on the side of her throat. It wasn’t quite the killing stroke, but the obsidian female’s slight miscalculation had allowed room for Barret’s jaws to seek purchase in the proper place.

Thick, sanguine life blood filled her hungering jaws, flooding her senses and her hunger. A snarl of lupine delight clawed from her throat as the deadly jaws released their prey. Impatient, the Korean female did not wait for death to take hold. Deftly, she ripped open the flank, hide and muscle peeling apart easily in her strong jaws. The doe did not feel the pain, as prey animal had merciful mechanisms, and continued to die within the male wolf’s jaws. As movement finally ceased and life blood ceased to pulse, the black female was able to finally eat, to replenish the energies of her body.

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