Blood and Tears

The blackness, he was swimming in it and all around him was pain no not pain pure agony stabbed at him from every side, he tried to scream but his mouth wouldn't move, his eyes wouldn't open but he could feel someone next to him. He tried to reach out towards whoever it was but all his hand did was twitch and cause him more pain. Then he was being pulled across a floor and tried to whimper but nothing came out, it was as though his body had shut itself down completely and utterly. Finally he was released and his body slumped awkwardly on the floor, unable to hold itself up.

It didn't feel like any of his senses were working easily, he couldn't smell anything and he could only just hear someone moving around near him, he kept hoping that whoever it was would speak so he'd know who it was. But the person remained silent and so he remained unknowing of who it was or whether it was a male or a female. He had no idea where he was or if he was even in AniWaya anymore. He could feel someone moving around him and putting stuff on him, they felt like leaves but he didn't know what leaves would do to help. The man didn't know much at all about healing.

Then there was pain added to his pain as he felt something sharp being pushed into his skin and then pulled out only to be pushed in again. At this point it was all too much for the Austral male and he blacked out, falling into the darkness. He woke up after some time had passed, how much he had no idea but he was still hurting everywhere. His senses were coming back to him now and he recognized J'adore's scent first, either the man was nearby or Leon was sequestered within his cabin and he had guessed his healer was Mizu. Quite suddenly he was rolled over and a rose smelling liquid was rubbed into his face, the man grimaced as he was still in quite a lot of pain. Then he could hear her talking to him, telling him to wake up whislt a blanket was draped over his stationary form. His white eyes snapped open almost immediately and he groaned, raising the hand that wasn't wrapped in gauze to rub at his face.

His eyesight was out of focus however, everything was blurry and off center, Mizu herself was just a blob of white fur with smaller blue blobs at random intervals around her body. The man groaned again in obvious pain, his tail shifted along the floor and he hissed as the broken bones ground against each other causing a flare of pain to rush through him. He swore softly in spanish and flinched weakly. Underneath his fur the man would be extremely pale and anemic looking from the amount of blood he had lost, proving just how close to death he had been and still was.

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