pierce my heart and steal my soul
Deuce heard Iskata's voice and stirred. She must have dozed off. She stood from her vantage point of the porch and moved forward, smiling drowzilly. Hey Iskata. Sorry I didn't see you coming. Guess I fell asleep. how's it going? She stretched lazilly, running her fingers through her mane.

She glanced back at the cottage. it needed a new coat of paint. Perhaps she could find some somewhere in Halifax, the human city. She liked the den, after all. It was hers now, without a doubt. She could bring her favorite books here and set up shop. Plant a garden next to it. The stream would provide fish. She could live on her own if need be.

After all, luci and nani had taken the boys from her and hidden them away. Everytime the mother found them, they were moved. how dare nyone think she was a danger to her pups! how dare they!

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