Still as a stork, the silk-furred luperci watched clouds furrowing the face of the moon and deeply breathed the still air. It was always this late hour that she chose her moment, not only for the clarity the slight chill gave her mind, but also the lesser risk of being seen or encountering another wolf. She had become most introverted of late, her days settling down into an intensely rigid structure of meditation and scavenging for food, with the most colourful hour this, the last, spent under the stars and moon with a bottle of something or other for company. Tonight it was an 'other' night. Caspa drew a glass vial from her sleeve and held it up, the pale amber liquid colourless in the low light. Gently she poured a few drops onto her right paw-pad, upheld to prevent drips, and lifted her hand to lick - but then a sound made her lift her eyes. She peered into dim greyscale shadows, scented the puppy, and then noticed the glint of silver scales, lacing the neck area of the little animal. Was she being attacked by the reptile? Caspa had no free hands, so she hoped not. A moment more watching told her the child was moving normally. She sighed and let the drops fall through her fingers, replaced the stopper in the vial, dropping it smoothly into her sleeve pocket and dusted away the remnants of liquid. "You are out late," she commented. "Be glad you found that snake before it found you. They see without light, I'm told."

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