True Living

Creed and initiation task! You gotta make another thread with her planting the seeds, and another InH member (Saul, maybe?) needs to go along.

Razekiel nodded patiently at Saul's words, but turned quickly back to Eclipse when she finally admitted her mistakes. The coyote smiled sagely, pleased at her apparent regret, at the fact that she recognized something had gone wrong. "Now, now, my flower, smile," the prince cooed, reaching his fingered hand to tilt her chin up to see his reassuring smile and jovial wink. "Someone worried about you, didn't they? You don't want to make your loved ones flip a wig, man; we all just want to see you safe. I think that's why cousin Saul wants to look after you, don't you think?"

"We are all family here, man," he said, opening his arms up as if embracing Ichika in the wind itself. "Your cousin won't be the only one trackin' those feet of yours, we all will. So if you want to go, just drop us a line, yeah?" Another wink.

"Repeat after me, little Eclipse," Razekiel said, straightening up and raising a palm into the air, giving her a look implying to do the same before he began speaking, pausing in between each sentence for her to repeat. "'I am a Soulstorm, I am an Ichikan. I seek love in my heart, knowledge in my mind, and wisdom in my spirit. I will love my fellow Ichikans and know them as family to the fullest I can; I will devote myself to my duties and learn from my work and the work of others; I will try my best to embrace all walks of life, faith and love. I understand that if I devote myself to love, knowledge and wisdom I will learn my path to true personal happiness, and find my place in the circle of life."

Once they had finished, the male laid a hand on her head and ruffled the patch of hair there, grinning wildly with pride and excitement. "Now, to clear your mind of that little crime you're so worried about, and as your Ichika no Ho-en initiation, I'm going to assign you to... hmm..." He paused a moment, thinking, then dug into his satchel and produced a small sack. "Ah, yes. Spread these seeds, my little Eclipse, and get someone to tag along, yeah? A hole for each one, and tuck them into the Great Mother's breast. As to where to put them... Ah, you will know where to put each, but they are flowers in the form of wee teardrops, man; do spread them, if you will." Wink.

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