Learning to Live
WC: 259

The words that the other wolf spoke were still a jumbled mess in her brain, but a few rang out and were easier to understand. Her face twisted with concentration as she tried to figure it all out, finally deducing that the silver wolf’s name was Pixie, and that she had only wanted to help. Sighing softly, the little one shrugged her slender shoulders and grabbed the rabbit she had killed before by the ears. Using her other hand, she gripped the feet and pulled roughly, watching as the thing broke in half. Rapidly cooling blood spilled from the innards and stained the fur covering her hips and thighs, only making it darker.

Looking up at the other wolf again, she smiled a toothy grin and held out the larger portion of the meaty bunny, willing to share her meal with the first nice canine she’d met in forever. Setting the big half down on a warm rock, she backed up a few steps and hunkered down, crossing her legs together. Her long pink tongue flicked out again and again, lapping at the blood on her hands and then catching the red droplets still falling from the rabbit’s flesh. The taste made her sigh and smile more, knowing that she would not be starving this day.

”T-tah…wa-ny…” Still with the broken speech, but she clarified what she was trying to say by pointing to her chest, indicating that she was saying her name. Pointing back at the silver wolf, she attempted to form the other’s name as well, ”Pi-pi…ks-ie?”

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