forever ( joining ) leader needed!
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Hello. :] -Figures a nice joining thread should help her get inspiration back!!-

>>>>>While the current confrontation was unfortunate--it was even more unfortunate for those that encountered Anselm. Indeed, he had been particularly cranky as of late, and he had finally fallen over the edge--he was no longer 'border-line excessively preoccupied' with his routines... he was flat out obsessed with them. His daily solo-training remained much the same, but his usual two trips around the borders a day had increased to five or six, and he was constantly hounding Gabriel so that they may train together. He slept in two to four hour intervals and never strayed far from Inferni's land. Needless to say, bad weather meant nothing.
>>>>>Consequentially, it did not take very long for the newcomer to have a rather imposing Anselm bearing down on him--the wolfish hybrid marched straight for him, eyes openly roving over him, testing him, examining him... Oh, boy!! This one wears PANTS. Joyous. Now, under normal circumstances, Anselm couldn't have cared less whether or not someone chose to clothe themselves. But this was a war; come on, people! "Tell me why wearing clothing is a tactical disadvantage," he barked sharply. The obvious answer in his mind: it's too easy to grab onto. If someone flat out tore in, their claws might just rip through, but if they didn't, the pants could be held to restrain somebody, or at least to throw off their momentum. Glowering at the shifted male, Anselm fully expected the correct answer.. and fast. Explanations could come later, but for now, he was the one asking the questions.

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