Terrible sting and terrible storm
Haku did not waste time thinking up worthless and unlikely scenarios for alternative treatment of coyotes. At times a tooth should be met with several teeth. Haku had been very young when it had happened, but he did remember how he had lost a piece of his tail. Clouded Tears territory, the coyote had ripped it off, and both Haku and his ivory goddess of a mother(which she had been to him at that time, a goddess, angel, immortal beauty) had been close to end their lives if not Lisichka had come and rescued them in his shiny armor. It was all right if other beings felt it was wrong to murder children, because Haku slept well at nights, without going through nightmares because of the blood on his hands.

She meant he had been wrong to do what he did. It was the impression he received from her odd row of words. She stated some obvious facts though, but things were not as hard as they seemed. They had other packs around, surely it would be possible to create some sort of alliance between them? Sadira blood ran strong in ’Souls. Wrong or right, the world is not black and white, Mew. It is a gray fog. They are larger in number, but they are the only coyote group, and we are not the only wolves around that have problems with their terror. The male sat down on cold ground and stared at his sister. He wished she could understand as he did. It was so simple.

I know you only have one other male in the pack. Still, the pack is only as weak as its members allow it to be.


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