Out of Character, Word Count, Etc.

An amusement had filled the young wolf as J’adore expressed his unimpressed enthusiasm about their jokes. She new very well they would be the laborers in this task as she was far too kind to allow an injured wolf to work. She couldn’t help but to throw one last little comment to amuse herself and Ayasha. I for one like the idea of stone throwing than stick poking. She chuckled lightly. Then as the older wolf sent the young scout into lead Saxif fell into seriousness. It was one thing to jester in times of calm but when she knew hunt was upon them she took the game serious.

She noticed Ayasha’s excitement in this task and was wondering if she should make a comment. Excitement in manners such as this could cause her to miss something, though she respected her enthusiasm. She figured it was best to allow the older wiser wolf to make the first comment if he deemed necessary. Saxif started to watch the tracks as they came upon them. As she followed the young scout she would fall behind slightly but quickly catch up. She was grouping as many tracks as she could, attempting to single out a target. She would scent the tracks for any abnormalities. She knew they would have to go for a weakened elk for a larger chance of success. Her heart pumped with joy as she did all the things she was taught. After a distance she was certain she would recognize each grouping of tracks and scents of the elk. She hoped her guesses would be correct in the end.

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