Leaving my Finger[p]rints

Nani’s daughter Caprica is being adopted Big GrinBig Grin So more family coming back for Soran to meet! :33 Also, there’s quite a bit of forest surrounding the main cave system, so if Soran was shouting into one of the main caves she’d be trespassing XD;; So I’m playing that she was shouting into one of the back entrances, which extend to being like..very nearly outside of the territory. On the West side :]

She had not been certain of much after she had left Crimson Dreams. Her own daughter had sided against her in her removal from that pack and she held much animosity for the wolves that still lived there. There were some that she considered to be not as bad, but those were few and far between. Barrett and Ehno were the only ones that she had spoken to recently. Naniko had disassociated from that pack for the most part, not wanting to bother them with her presence and not caring what her daughter thought of her or her ways any longer. She had picked sides back then and that was just how things were.

Perhaps it was just a lost litter. Salem and Brooklyn had left long ago, and the children that remained were lost to her as well…as judgmental and self-righteous as they were. Her next litter had turned out slightly better with the exception of Harlowe…Rio had recently returned to her and she hoped that Caprica and Lucia would be found soon. Since she had seen Soran last she’d had quite a few litters of pups. Scorpius had come next, and now the alabaster leader was pregnant once more. She was glad to be and considered the pups a sign of good luck; her sister Selene had died a few months prior, but now she was blessed with pups. Her luck was definitely turning. She would teach these pups about the dangers of the world…but also about being open and willing to try new things.

She had a lot to think about today. Her large belly made it more difficult for her to move through the cave system, making her unable to squeeze through some parts that she had previously been able to pass through, and this frustrated her. The jade-eyed wolf had gone into one of the back entrances in the hopes that she could squeeze through and make it to her den without having to go all the way around…but no such luck. She was simply too fat. It was on her way back out that she heard a shout, a voice that sounded familiar but that she didn’t recognize for the few moments that it took her to get back outside. ”Who’s there?” It was shouting her name; it had to be someone who knew her.

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