A Sheep in Wolve's Clothing
WC → 368 :: Selena is again too nice. xD At least for someone who's mad.

Selena had not said anything else after her last statement, except for the annoyed huff when the man finally started to follow her with a rather astonished look upon his face. The time of day did not occur to her until the sun sparked into sight in the corner of her eye, and glanced towards the bright sphere to check its position; as she knew how to defend herself, she knew as well to judge time and use it to find her way in this strange land by the sky. She was a good way from the mansion as she guessed, and it would be dark before she returned to her welcome bed, which made her a little bit more irritated, but it did not show upon her smooth face that was only moments ago filled with anger. Instead, she just momentary glared at the sun until her eyes started to prickle with uncomfort, and slightly quickened her pace.

Her wandering thoughts were broke when the outsider suddenly cleared his throat, and she knew that he was going to speak, but made no sign that she took notice of him. Without turning her head, she half-listened to him, and made a small, unseen smirk as he said that she startled him. “Well, first off all, I’d like to mention that you should never walk here again, no matter what. Consider yourself lucky that it was me who found you; the others here do not take kindly to wolves, even more so if they are on their land.” Selena did not add the fact that he could have possibly been killed if she did not confront him, but she guessed that he already assumed that she was blood-thirsty by the way he acted when she first approached him so telling him something that he already had a solid idea on was pointless. “There are other packs, south of here, though, which would be more kind to you; thinking about joining one?” She knew basic information about most of them, except for the new one that grew over the mountain, and could at least share that with the male to keep him away from the clan.

Today I'm speaking my mind and if it kills me tonight, I'm ready to die

Selena Black
By Kiki
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