every characteristic of the egotistic

Word Count » 3+

ooc: trololo, i am addicted to this thread <3

She placed her delicate palm in Sirius' larger, rougher one, and the contact alone was enough to have the Thistle King's gaze glint with hunger. He had starved himself of the pleasantries of female company, and in some sick manner, enjoyed teasing himself with their presence. It was a constant challenge in restraint and control, tested constantly as the Revlis man entertained notions of further contact with the angelic Clover Love - But always his steely resolve won, holding the beast within at bay. It had been this way with Eris and with Tlantli Kimaris, and surely, it would be this was with the Lykoi princess also.

Her dismount was smooth, her voice smoother - Such pretty notes that his ears had missed. The girl answered his question, and his eyes grazed over the small knapsack she had brought approvingly. He cared little for her items, only for herself; She proved to be his favorite item of all, the perfect decoration for his home. Black lips quirked at the corners in an unseen smile at this thought. Eris would approve, surely - She too had a weakness for pretty things, and they could not be made prettier than Clover. Perhaps Tlantli would not be pleased, but his Crone was not outlandish to damage property that belonged directly to the Thistle King. Sirius was mark his claim of the girl, and the rest of the pack would either respect of despise her for it - In any case, she would be protected from them by Sirius' favor.

At her question, the man extended his arm, so that she might take it for balance as a gentry couple may have done in an age before this one. Sirius hoarded the gentry of the extinct humans closely, using it as a mask to cover up the distasteful feralness within himself. It was for this reason that he preferred his two-legged form; It was so much more regal, more powerful, more civil. "Come along, then. It is a short walk to the border - I need to stretch out my legs, I am afraid, but we shall ride after that." He spoke without question, giving the girl no opportunity to deny his wishes. Perhaps it was arrogance that enabled him to do so, but the man's voice was flawless with charm, an act put on so well by the puppeteer. Holding firmly to the reigns that kept the jitterish ebony stallion in check, he headed westward, where the rippling waters of the Pictou river would mark the beautiful Clover's first step into the Kingdom of the Thistles.

The waters ran cool, even in the pleasant warmth of the Nova Scotian summer. Sensing that they were headed back home, to the marshy plains where he was lord, the ebony stallion began to snort and prance beside Sirius. With his gaze still lingering on Clover, the Boss smiled his crocodile smile once more. "This is the river Pictou. It is the border of my Kingdom - Beyond, the land we walk is Salsolan soil."

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