[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 523 words

The things that he had done to get him exiled in the past where the same things that he continued to do now. The exact things that he was earning a co-rank for. The things that his ranking in the pack allowed him to do. So he really hadn't changed much at all, instead he had only gotten better at what he did. His kill rate when torturing had been reduced, him learning how to keep his toys longer instead of always breaking them. So he had certainly learned to decrease his turnover rate for toys. Especially now that he had Janos. It was always a joy when he could get his puppy involved. He really enjoyed watching his puppy do his work for him. It was such a delicious sight to see Janos splattered with someone else's blood. To watch his puppy enjoying the task. It was such a thrill, one that Bastion had never experienced with anyone else.

So just as long as his puppy remained loyal and did whatever the small male said then there wouldn't be any worry for him to ever be replaced. Just so long as Bastion remained happy and pleased then there would be no reason for the small male to even look around for someone else to be his puppy. And of course it helped that Janos was so eager to please. No doubt the younger male would end up corrupting the older male with all that he would continue to drag the other into. With the activities that Bastion enjoyed and forced Janos to take part in it was really a surprise that the other hadn't decided to leave him on his own. After all the larger male had freedoms that Bastion's toys didn't ever have.

The boy glanced up at the other as he yelped but it did nothing to deter his actions. Especially when the blood started to flow. Bastion couldn't help but to lean his head back down to lap up the blood. "Good." The single word was murmured out as he continued to lick at the wound to try and get more blood from it. He had this obsession with the plasma laden substance. If the small male could live off blood alone then he would certainly do so. After all the blood was the best part of meat. And of course he enjoyed torture just for the scent of blood. It was so intoxicating and made him want even more than he was already getting. Bastion was almost tempted to make a new wound just to be able to clean it with his tongue, if not doing other things to it. After all his interest in blood play could even lead into piquerism, and has on occasion. Especially when he could force his puppy to do it for him and have Janos act as if he enjoyed it as well. Of course it would be even more delightful if Janos was into the exact same things as Bastion were but even if he wasn't then it wasn't like the small male wasn't going to cease involving the other anyways.


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