
Out of character text here.

The Spaniard smiled softly, the playful jests were welll recieved by J'adore, who strolled beside the girls silently. Despite his injury, the male kept a solid pace. The small group were now focused on their goal, although J'adore was not a hunter, he had some basic skills. After all he had lived as a loner for some time bfore joining the tribal pack. The level of his expertise didn't matter at that moment, Ayasha was tracking, Saxif was in charge of the hunt and J'adore himself was there merely as an escort and to aid in the chase. That was his role as an Ayastigi, protect the borders, escort hunting parties, excetra. Doing anything rank related was difficult recently, what with Shiloh and Mizu, and with the fact there had been little distrubance around the borders. He had been constantly practicing his knife skills, outdoors and indoors, the latter of which Mizu had not been too pleased about, but in J'adore's defend, it had been raining.

Catching a scent, J'adore stopped, 'You guys smell that?' he asked, pointing his nose towards a gap in the trees. He moved forward, without waiting for the females that were hunting with him. Inspecting the floor around the obvious hole in the foliage, J'adore found faint hoof tracks, 'Hoof tacks'. The Spaniard resisted taking control, turning to Ayasah and smiling softly, 'Ayasha, what do you think?'

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