[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Word Count: 817

In Character

When he was a pup he never thought that he would have done the things that he had done, been through the things that he had been through, or be doing what he was doing now. He never thought that he would be seen as one of the boogeymen of the Salsola, one of the ones to run off and handle intruders. It was a dangerous job he would have to say but he was happy. He had someone to take care of him, he had a home, a job, gathering respect, it really was all that he could ask for. He only hoped still that his master wouldn’t decide one day while he was torturing someone that because that person handled pain even better than Janos that he would be replaced but that just redoubled his want and his need to succeed and be everything and then some that Bastion wanted or needed in a puppy. Even during the relatively short time that he had known Bastion, he had watched the little hellion grow and refine his skills and it was an honor and his pleasure to work beside him and all that he hoped was that his master would give him a good job or a good boy every now and again. Really, he did try to not be high maintenance upkeep, really he did.

In all honesty, when he fought or when he killed for Bastion’s pleasure or when he was told to do so, he found it quite cathartic. The dripping blood, the screams that echoed in his mind as well as in his past, even the not-so-subtle snaps of bones popping were all almost intoxicating. But whenever he was about to lose himself to that bloodlust and fully let himself enjoy it, a part of him took over, one that reminded him that once, not too long ago, he was the one screaming and writhing. Of course that was until they broke him, shattered his psyche and his entire being into shard-size pieces. But then his cherub, oh his cherub had come and rescued him. He didn’t care what anyone else thought of him. Yes, his master was cruel, vicious, blood thirsty, and more of a monster than he would ever be, but he was so fond of Bastion, so much so that he got possessive over him at times whenever he caught him with another person’s scent, another’s blood on him. It made him want to ask Bastion to open his veins for him if for no other reason than to be able to smell the child-like male coated in his blood one last time. But since that would mean the end of him too, he would save the dramatics for when he was no longer able to be a part of this world, mostly when he was kicked out of good graces. At least then he could die the way that he always dreamed of going ever since he met Bastion. He would go bloody, slow, and at his master’s mercy.

Feeling hot eyes on him, he looked down at the other before he averted his eyes and seemed to be sorry for it. ”I’m sorry master,” he said softly in response for him making the sound. But Bastion didn’t seem to be too upset over it since the sharp stinging was back and his blood began to flow again, teased out of his body through the openings by the male on his lap, another little groan escaping him before he could stop himself. Hearing that his blood was tasty gave him a sort of pride with knowing that he was able to slake his master’s thirst for blood, even just a little bit. He wouldn’t mind if his master survived off of him, it would make him feel more like he was useful to him but his wound wasn’t giving off too much blood, at least none that was fresh since the wound had already begun to close, the blood had stopped flowing. But he didn’t want Bastion to stop and he shifted a little bit, leaning back against the grass more to open up his tender and delicate underside to the cherub, his tail thumping against the ground happily. It was yet another sign of submission that he would lay like this, opening himself up so much. The cherub could easily reach in and pull out his intestines, killing him but part of him knew that Bastion wouldn’t do that, at least not with good reasoning. ”Mmmm master feel free to slice me open and taste fresh blood if it would please you more,” he said as he stretched a little bit, pulling the muscles and skin tighter, in a way trying to release more blood from the wound that already had a tongue inside of it, his mind already preparing itself to have his body cut again.

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