The sun I carried alone
Sorry for the wait and shortness. Life has been super awesome but also super busy <3 350

Nayru knew the lands a little better than most the others. Her and Razekiel had roamed it and combed it before they had settled on where to mark the borders, but even so she did not know the rolling mountain side like she had known Dahlia de Mai. Dahlia de Mai had been the land she grew up in, every inch of the forest, shoreline and towns were known to the girl. As a child she had been a wraith, moving among the secret trails of Dahlia de Mai. Now she moved through Ichika no Ho-en like a statue, regal and tall and certainly not hidden. Ichika was not Dahlia, and Nayru in Ichika was not Nayru in Dahlia. While it was a new existence to her, the black and white lady was not surprised to find it already felt like home to her.

While she made the rounds, making sure everything was moving as smoothly as it could in the first few days of getting acquainted with their new home, Nayru soaked in the details of Ichika. Sooner or later she would know it like she knew Dahlia de Mai but part of her enjoyed the novelty of the new lands. Even though she had been over and over the mountain, the beauty of the view still took her breath away. Although Nayru had gone up and down the coast several times she couldn't quit marveling on the way the sands changed color as one moved up and down the shoreline. And although she had already spent some time in the Abbey, the beautifully decorated building still made her paused when she came upon it, which is where she was headed at quite a steady pace.

As the Jiryu came upon her destination ruby eyes fell on a figure that seemed to suffer the same affliction Gampo Abbey caused in herself. Alae Sidhe stood motionless at the bottom of the magnificent stairway. On silent feet Nayru came upon her, announcing herself with the soft, whispery manner of speaking that was so characteristic of her. "It's quite beautiful, isn’t it?"


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