At the Stables
He smiled as horse and rider began to form the essential bond that would unite them as one in the future. This time Shiloh's tears did not make him uncomfortable or anxious because they were with joy and not in sadness like last time. He nodded at her tentative question, as though he would say it and then take it back, the thought made him frown momentarily before his happy look was back.

"She is belonging to you now forever, she is being a new friend and listening to all your troubles and fears and helping you work through them." He nodded again to cement the truth of his words, the number of times he had cried into Faith's mane since his mate's death, one of the reasons the man appeared so strong. He hugged her back and noticed for not the first time how tiny she was, the tips of her ears only just came up to his chest at their highest and he was struck with how much strength this seemingly fragile femme contained. He sighed inaudibly and wished he could be who she wanted and give her the love she needed and deserved. He was not blind and could see the feelings she held within herself for him.

But he could not change who he was, and as it stood he knew he could never feel that way about the burned woman. The gift he gave her in the form of the horse was him hoping she could move the lovey feelings she felt for him and change them into friendship love for the horse. He could see she was getting herself worked up again and moved forwards to pet the mare over Shiloh's head, taking his attention from the wolfess onto the horse in the hopes she could calm herself while being out from under the spotlight of his gaze, he also spoke to her,

"I can be teaching you to ride her and how to take care of her in case I am away anymore or you are away."

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