In Search Of...

LOL. I finally got around to reading up on my rank, and it seems I am to help you look for supplies and stuff when needed. Poor Temo is so clueless at times.

Temo Wolfe

Temo should not be sad in this time of rebirth. A new pack, a new beginning, should be a happy time and it is for others. He realizes this when he sees the cream wolfess smile. His sadness, his problems, they were his, not hers. He needed to learn to contain his emotions better, not let them show and bring down others when they are happy. I really need to keep my problems to myself, he thought to himself.

He glances around at their surroundings as he buries his sadness and a bit of a smile shows. "Yes, there is a lot that this area has to offer us and the pack." Temo responds as he thinks about some of the places he had already gone through and the things he had found. "Sounds like a good idea, two sets of eyes are better than one. I also have been exploring and have found a couple of things so far. One that has been helping me explore the unknown area." He said as he carefully pulls out a folded piece of paper that was torn and ripped. The edges brown with age and rot. Colored lines crisscrossing all over it.

What he has in his hands as he unfolds it with a delicate touch was a section of an old human road map. Some small, brown flakes float down to the ground from the edges. What it showed was the roads and a number of buildings in a section of New Glasgow. "This looks like a promising area to explore. I want to explore these buildings and possibly the buildings around them." He said as he uses a claw to carefully point to several colored squares on the map. "These look to be the most promising for finding old tools and other stuff that might be useful."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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