Stranger are all around

Temo Wolfe

Temo was out for a walk, checking out a new area. With new lands to explore, there is always someplace new to go. Someplace new to explore. The sun shone with vigor and the birds were singing their songs from the trees and bushes. Everything seemed to be happy on this day and for once, Temo was in a happy mood, not the usual sad and brooding that he had normally been in.

The forest that was taking over the town opened up to a clearing and Temo stopped to survey the area. He took in a deep breath and slowly let it out as his eyes took in the park. He noticed that there was an amphitheater that dominated the center of the park. As he looked, he noticed another wolf laid upon one of the steps. After a moment, Temo realized he had stumbled upon another wolf that he had not met in Phoenix Valley. He remembered seeing the silver haired wolf at the few pack meetings that he had attended.

He stood there for a bit, just enjoying the sun and the happy forest noises around him. After looking around and taking in the park some more, he looks back to the wolf. The wolf seemed to be sleeping in the sun so Temo decides not to disturb him. He moved quietly around the amphitheater at the edge of the park so as not to wake the other. He did not wish to waken someone from their beauty sleep and take the chance they might wake up grumpy and they become enemies.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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