[M]y [P]ersonal soldier boy
It was just her imagination; a coincidence that that song was playing. Nothing more than a freaky coincidence. Still, when the bartender came before her, she asked for the vodka to be added to her drink, making the decision to screw work and drink herself into oblivion. Not the most practical way to deal with her bout of paranoia, but it would do the trick … probably. As the music played, a prelude to the lyrics, she felt as if every pair of eyes in the room was staring at her; which was simply ridiculous and an extreme case of her being overly self-conscious. “I’m never gonna live that stupid bloody dance down” she muttered under her breath.

The lyrics came and she knew them word for word, the song long engraved into her memory. A gentle pat upon her shoulder had her twisting in her seat, her mouth poised upon to verbally assault whoever had interrupted her whilst she was in the middle of her little dilemma. Then she finally saw him and simply gaped, open mouthed at him. As the shock began to wear of, she attempted speak, resulting in nothing more than a silent fish impersonation; her mouth opening and closing without saying a word.

Then she groaned and allowed her head to fall into her open palms. “You have got to be kidding me..”

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