[M] Speak To Me
No problem Smile

Io smiled and nodded, 'Yes, I know of Italy'. She had heard of it but had never actually been able to visit it. She answered, her voice soft, 'Poland myself. I joined Inferni, but I have disscussed moving with my family, Anathema came up within the conversation actually. My older brother followed me here also. He join Cercatori d'...something.. I do not know'. She shrugged, chuckling softly. In all honesty she did not care what the pack her brother had decided to grace with his membership, all she knew was that if she heard anything remotely similar to what she could remember, she would stay away from that location.

Io stood up, pushing her white locks away from her face and smiled again. 'I saw some candles in a shop not far from here... And I am sure that wood good enough to make torches with can be found somewhere too'. The hybrid pondered for a moment, 'I know of a place where there may be some stationary also...'. It was the place where she had found a glorious array of the books she needed for her cooking. 'I could show you both places if you wish'. She smiled slyly, sweeping a fallen lock away from her face.

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