End of Me.

Her good moods were fading as her condition came to a close, a fact that had not gone unnoticed by the autumn-furred princess. It didn't really matter, of course — others had received two easy months under the usually cruel eyes of the Aquila's sister and she was ready for things to return to normal, though even once it was over, she was certain things wouldn't be the same. She'd allowed the world to think what they would of her growing belly, giving no hints to others about the bloodlines that coursed through the unborn pups, but what would happen when the Kingdom saw her secrets? Would they notice that she hadn't been truthful? She hadn't lied, no, but she certainly hadn't been truthful. She hadn't opened her mouth to tell anyone about the real, possible fathers of her pups. She hadn't even really admitted them to herself.

As the sun went down, she found herself holed up in the bone-littered den within Grimwell Caverns, paint-stained hands working diligently on the haunting blue eyes of a stoney mural — the same haunting blue eyes that were dead in the ground just outside her home. The stone was a poor surface for the age-worn house paints she worked with, but she had managed to create a likeness on the rock that could rival reality. Or her reality, at least.

She didn't look up as Cotl came in, she did't feel that she needed to. Crimson eyes remained fixed on aquatic, stoney orbs that gazed back at her without empathy. Did he hate her now, now that he was gone and he saw what she was? Bait. Dangerous. A princess protected by a hateful, perhaps jealous, golden Knight in shining armour. It was Cotl's voice that destroyed her internal questions. Why not ask me, Talitha? She paused, glancing briefly over her shoulder. A frown coloured her features. "You're talking nonsense, Cotl; be direct or I won't answer your questions."

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