Won't let the sun wrap its arms around me

Word Count » 3+

His gaze ravaged that which he saw, fiercely bright with olive venom and feverish intelligence. It occurred to him that the wildcat would be able to defend herself far better than he would be able to attack her - Although there was, at this time, no urge to do such a thing. He was a Hunter, not a warrior, and the difference lay in surprise. Regardless, large footpaws continued their smooth circling gait, leaving grooves in the soft mulchy earth where large claws pierced the surface.

Her ruby eyes followed him, never once breaking contact. Brows rose to his witty reveal, but not in meekness nor in awe. He had given her a glimpse of rare truth, and information was always power. She had the weapon of knowledge now, but this did not scare him. The Revlis man wore his arrogance well; A vanity that sat handsomely in the dark brooding shadows of his lanky, lean form. The woman's question-not-question amused him, and yellowed teeth glittered in a Cheshire smile once more. "Does that please you, darling Infernian?" Civility cloaked his silver tongue, a charming tone that barely concealed the simmering presence of the Hunter beneath. There was desire within him for the strange woman, but desire was not something he succumbed to. More, the hunger for information - That strange thrill that alighted within him at each indrawn breath of her smell. Secrets rustled in the air about the ruby-eyed wildcat, and he craved them all.

The Thistle King stopped his pacing before her once more, his smile withdrawn in favor of a more contemplative, thoughtful expression. Inferni held the greatest threat to his beloved Salsola, but that did not mean he could take no pleasure from its inhabitants. One creamy palm was held out towards her, and should she take it, a kiss would be bestowed on the back of the woman's fair hand. "Give me your name, so I might be able to properly tell unbelievers of the siren I tracked," It was almost a command, but voiced with such syrup and poison it might have seemed otherwise. She was indeed a siren - A creature born to lure men to their own deaths. Wariness warred with the excitement in the man's olive eyes.

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