Careful With My Words
WC: 393:: I find it funny what she said at the end of the second paragrapth; aftera a month from this thread, she breaks her arm and a rib. >> I wonder if she would believe Ouija then? xD

Evelyn unwillingly listened to Ouija as he continued to talk about things that she had not been told before, and surely was not supposed to reach her ears. She had heard of Shawchert, but they were good things, that he was a great craftsman and a friendly leader, never had she heard a bad thing about him besides the fact that he up and left for no reason and without notice. But she had not known everything there was to know about the former leader, and dark words about his sins that was none of the girl’s business was now being spoken into the cool air. Her stomach churned with negative feelings toward the painted man that stood before her, trying to convince her mouth to state against what he was saying, and to try to say they were lies. But his voice was sure and what he was addressing most likely happened since she was not there when all these events occurred, and not knowing how to react to such slander was out left her speechless.

“What does that have anything to do with the murders?” she questioned Ouija with spite in her tone, “They had trouble with leadership, what pack doesn’t? Not everyone is perfect.” Again the D’Angelo was going on about curses, and his words went through Evelyn’s ear and out the other; she was not a religious Luperci, believing in no deity or any forces that controlled her future. The only way to live life was to do things yourself, not to jabber some incantation for some god to decide things for you, or at least that was the way she lived, being the hard worker she was. “I highly doubt this place has a curse; nothing bad had yet to happen to anyone as far as I knew that had anything to do with some karma or whatever you believe in.

“Now, if you don’t have any business here besides looking at the tree, I would kindly ask you to leave,” she said in a not so friendly tone that was unusually of herself. In the back of her mind she hoped that he would not cause any trouble; despite being taller and stronger than average females, she was not a fighter and would not know what to do if the man decided to attack for whatever reason.

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