Everything That I Do Is Never As Good As You.

Greetings. Her ears perked to better hear and her head shot up, eyes narrowed in the direction the voice had come from. Life liked to play tricks it seemed, for just as Adelaida was thinking on just how much she did not wish for company, a stranger caught sight of her. The lone wolf smiled at the irony and stood still a moment, staring at the stranger in the distance, debating just how silly it would be to turn tail and flee. Yet that would be rude, and this male sounded as if he meant no harm, and so the female took a few steps forward, wary, and then picked up the pace a little. "Hello there." The female called out in a voice that matched her behavior, not quite meek but certainly untrusting, hesitant. Still she moved forward and only ceased to move forward once there was a much smaller distance between her and the stranger, but still a respectable and impersonal distance.

The female took a quick survey of the male, and he seemed nothing out of the ordinary. Nor did he carry a strong scent of any of the packs that she had been observing but avoiding the last few weeks. Both were good signs, because although her meeting with the wolf Iskata had not been unpleasant, it had seemed weird once it was over with Adelaida had a chance to think about it. A wolf that defended coyotes, the idea still puzzled her. "Hello... I’m Adelaida," the female remembered to introduce herself to this stranger, the frenzy she had been in meeting Iskata had worn away even if the uneasy feelings persisted. "Did you want something?" After all, he had called out to her first.


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