Emotional Repair

366w(+2)/ GAAAAH!!! Sorry for taking that long to answer! there! here it is!! And i hope that you don't mind Luna's motherly attitude, she gets like that very often <.<

Luna stared at the scarred female as she spoke, trying to reassure her with her gaze. Her facial features began to harden as the Gatlvska talked about what had happened to her. Rape. An unforgivable action. Luna had been close to that at least once, and she knew that the sensation of feeling vulnerable wasn't pleasant. At least she had managed to escape, but Shiloh had suffered a completely different destiny. Her attacker had taken her under his control mercylessly, and, not conformed with that, he had broken her bones, only increasing her pain and misery even more. What a shame. A being who abused of other people in that way did not deserve forgiveness.

The smaller female scooted away from the Kunikoti as she leaned to hug her, making her blink out of surprise. Why would she do that? Why would she cast herself away from her own kind just for something that was caused by somebody else? somebody who didn't deserve to call himself a person? Her following words just reforced those questions. "Dirty? It is not your fault. You didn't want that to happen." Her tone remained controlled, but with a tad of insistence as she spoke. She wanted to convince this traumatized being that her current situation was not her fault at all. She was a victim, yes, but that didn't make her less that herself, that Saxif, than Ayasha... "Don't cry, please." She said at the whimpering noise that the other wolf did. She was crying. "Nothing of this is your fault." Again, she tried to get closer to her, this time more hesitantly, trying not to scare her.

Green, tender orbs never left the other's grey features. Shiloh's pleas filled her ears, reaching her easy-to-touch heart. "I will not leave you." She said as she leaned forward and hugged the other's body, pressing the other's head against her shoulder. "Come on, sweetie. I'm sorry for what happened to you. But you are not alone." She said, using the pronoun that she usually reserved for her dear ones. Her heart pounded harder against her chest because of the emotions that filed in that moment. Rage, sadness, impotence. But, over all, love.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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