pierce my heart and steal my soul
Deuce nodded but didn't speak. Both of them were without mates now. These things did happen. I'm sorry about Phoenix. Deuce looked away then. She fancied she could see the questions in her friend's eyes. After a long, silent moment, she spoke.

Lucifer and I ended our mateship. He was repeatedly unfaithful, and I couldn't deal with it. It's only for the boys I stay in Twilight Vale. And I'm not even allowed to see them anymore. Lucifer and Naniko both think I'm a danger to them. She absently ran a finger over the dark lines of fur on her wrists, the visible scars. He thinks I'm still in love with Soran, and that's his excuse for being unfaithful to me.

She half laughed, half shrugged. Iskata was the first she'd told that the mateship had ended.

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