Twos a crowd

WC:288+ - :3

“’Bout time ya showed up” he choose harsh words to welcome her, concentrating on breathing slowly and easing the ache in his side. As he breaths gradually became more and more steady, he allowed himself to ease into a more comfortable position, his head raised to look at the female beside him. Dark as it was, he could just about make out her and his forms, small highlights of reflected moonlight framing their forms. At her question, the compulsive urge to laugh hit him and he had to clamp his mouth shut and concentrate on not straining his sides anymore than he already had. “Oh, the usual. Near death experience recently. Good news is, the other guy didn’t touch my pretty face” he smirked at her, taking up a playful tone.

Shifting a little, he raised an arm and whistled, summing the white bird down from the skies. After having decide to approach the unknown packs borders, he’d sent the bird into the air for the albino crow stood out like a sore thumb at the best of times and he had not wished to draw unnecessary attention upon himself. “Pheonix Valley has some nerve I must say. No offence, but you guys are seriously close to Anathema” he frowned slightly, wondering if she’d take offence from his words, then decided he really didn’t care. “Stupid, pointless move if you ask me. It’s pretty much like asking for trouble.” He complained some more.

Sliding down the tree, his back rubbing along it’s bark as he lowered himself, he reached the ground with a soft thump and yawned. “Oh! And.. what did he call it? Oh yeah, I’m apparently married it would seem” he added nonchalantly to the end.

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