Terminally out of [p]hase
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table2.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Sorry for the wait on the reply on this, the internet at my friend's house was not good lol. Also WOW! Is he starting to try to walk or is he happy with just standing up for now? I'm ok thanks lovely, jobless but hopefully going back to college in September(!) just waiting to hear if I'm in or not Smile

pushitinThis pack seemed like a nice place, the silver male that greeted her at the borders was not aggressive or abrasive as others had been when she had approached the borders, in fact he seemed quite pleasant. She had noticed that he had only one good eye, the other one being misted over, he also had a rather tattered ear, but that did not matter to the ebony fae, these things did not shock her in the slightest; afterall one of her dear friends when she had first found a pack to call a home had been entirely blind, a pair of milky white eyes sitting in the middle of his face, and he had coped very well, Soran had respected him greatly, he was a very capable wolf, even with things such as hunting, seeming to work entirely through hearing, scent and intuition. And as for tattered ears, the ebony fae was lucky to even have the tip of her pierced left ear, Hollow had almost torn it off completely when he had attacked her on that terrible night which now seemed so long ago, if it had not been for the available alcohol to numb the pain and Soran's shaky stitches she would have lost ther tip a long time ago, luckily she had managed to save it, although if one was to look closely at it they would notice the silver scar that ran across it. Soran would not judge anyone for having her scars, she had more than her fair share of them.
pushitinWhat did take the ebony lady aback slightly was the fact that he silver male before her had only one arm, again she did not find this disgusting or frightening, she did however find it very unusual, it was so odd, she had only ever known two wolves with only one arm, this male and her own red son, she had seen how capable her one-armed boy had been, so again she could not judge this male for his lack of limbs. The ebony lady almost found herself blurting this out to the male, she wanted to tell him that he didn't have to hide his limb, she did not judge it, it was fine by her, it showed that he must have been very brave to survive such terrible injuries, but the fae realised that by hiding it he was perhaps rather uneasy about his missing arm, so she chose not to mention it. The lady's ears perked up as the male spoke, so his name was Noah, she had known a silvered male named Noah in the past, perhaps that was why this male looked so familiar, perhaps they were related.
"What a nice name Noah, taken from your father I suppose? I only ask because I knew a Noah once, you're much to young to be him, but you look strangely familiar to me." The ebony fae laughed, suddenly feeling girlish and silly, a bit warm around the cheeks, she extended a long fingered hand towards the male, offering it to him to shake.
"It's very nice to meet you by the way." The lady smiled as she spoke, before pausing and listening to the male's next question, smiling even more as he stuttered, it was a quite endearing trait.
"I'm here looking for someone, I don't suppose you know anyone by the name of Conri that might be living here? He's a little shorter than me, with red fur?" The lady asked, deciding once again not to mention Conri's single arm, not wanting to upset this male in any way.


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