Know your place [ATTN AniWayans, tribe news!]
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Know your Place

Played as if most members are present before the second paragraph.
NOTE - Posting order: Maska, Wematin, Dawali, Ralla, ANYONE.

He had requested a meeting for the entire pack, and the Amara had complied, calling the tribesmembers to meet near the Town Hall. Here, the councilman stood waiting, draped in his decorated cloak and with the three warriors at his side. Dawali and Ralla stood beside him as well, as they all waited for the tribesmembers to appear. Apparently they often met near the Great Fire, regardless of whether the situation called for such spirituality or not. It was somewhat disappointing to see how much was lacking in this Village, but he could not understand why it had not been a priority to build proper meeting grounds as soon as possible. The Village layout appeared completely random, lacking a proper structure. Still, it would have mattered little to the councilman if the Village was in compliance with the oldest of traditions: there were other more pressing matters at hand. His Guardians stood nearby and Maska maintained ey contact with Wematin. Depending on the tribe's loyalty, the meeting ahead might just give the three Guardians some work.

At last, it appeared that most had arrived, as the Amara stepped forward and appeared as if about to say something. Almost smirking, Maska lifted his hand and stepped ahead of the Amara, clearing his throat loudly. "AniWayans," he began, feeling slightly uneasy as he named the mixed lot with such a title. "My name is Maska Ahote. I've been sent by the Chief of the Great Tribe, this tribe's origins and the birthplace of many of your fellows." His gaze lingered on the faces that were somewhat familiar to him. There was Nayati Utina, at least. And some who appeared to be the Amara's family. "I'm afraid your Chief has lied to you." Arms were calm along his sides, fingers folded around the edges of his cloak as he spoke, but he did glance to the Amara, lifting his cloak ever so slightly in his direction. "He has no claim to the rank of Chief, and it is against AniWayan practice that he holds the rank. AniWaya's true Chief is Achak Aatu, and he has sent me here to assume this one's place." Turning towards the two ex-leaders of the tribe, now, he continued without hesitation. "All Masters of the tribe are to return their relics to the Town Hall immediately, as it is not up to the unworthy to appoint Masters or handle sacred relics. Ralla: you are ranked Itse, at the request of your friend. You have done little wrong but being loyal and follwing your leader, and we respect that." Maska paused, reading the uneasiness on the two wolves' faces. "Dawali Amara, you are to hold the rank of Itawamba. You will relinquish the Town Hall to me and my Guardians. Anyone found to be sheltering him," he said, turning now to the "AniWayans". "—will be punished. He is not to be aided. Consider his life spared for his dedication, though he is guilty of treason." Waiting, the much younger male stared at the Amara, expecting the next step. Those who held the rank of Itawamba were the shame of the tribe, to be spat on by anyone, and could never shift to the two-legged form unless with explicit permission.

"These are actions not ordered by me, not ordered by Chief Aatu, but dictated by AniWayan law. Your former Chief is well aware of how they work, and he must face this punishment for his actions." Pausing, there was little left to say. He would not linger long to answer their little questions. "Until this tribe has a proper Chief, consider me your leader". Well, that was it, wasn't it? This should be interesting.



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