Gathering Supplies

So sorry for the late reply guys ^^;

As Scorpius wandered around the streets of Halifax, he looked for places where he could gather supplies he needed. He was sure there would be a place where he could find some usable lanterns for the darker caves he planned to explore. He also looked around for a place he would be able to find some papers for his maps as well as a gift for a certain someone on his way back home. He took note to some of the places he passed by and came to the place with the clothes. He liked the one that he had tried on and began to look around for something a little more heavier that he would be able to wear during the winter or when it would colder inside the caves that he was exploring. He wasn’t going to try them on seeing as it was summer and the heat was worse considering his dark fur. He found a dark jacket as well as some darker pants. These would defiantly go together and he was sure there was more that he would be able to find to go with this new outfit he found. His ruby eyes moved around as he continued to look.

The black male paused as he heard the she wolf’s voice behind him. He closed his eyes for a moment and took in her scent before turning around to look at her. She made a comment towards the clothes in the place they were at. He shook his head gently. ”They’re not that strange to me.” He took a good look to the she wolf that stood before him. She had a golden and tan coloration to her as well as a lighter under belly. She was a pretty she wolf, though what made him more interested in her was the scent she carried. ”You have the scent of Dahlia de Mai lingering on you. Are you from that pack?” He laid the clothes over his shoulder as he fixed his gaze on the she wolf.

His attention turned to the black feline as it began to speak. He made a comment about the clothes as well. He didn’t expect the cat to want to wear clothes, seeing as there was nothing his size. He was sure even if the little feline wore clothes, he wouldn’t look as nice as he did without them. The black male didn’t think he could picture himself just wearing his mask alone. It brought too much attention to it when he was with others besides the members of his pack. He dipped his head a bit to the tom. ”It all just depends really. Some luperci prefer it and others don’t.” He began to walk towards the exit and looked back at the other two. ”Would you mind if we walked? There’s a few other things I came here to look for and I’d like to get them and be home before it gets too dark.” He began to head back to one place he had seen before where he would be able to get some papers.

Word Count → 519

Points → 5

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