Stranger are all around

Temo Wolfe

His head tilted slightly and his brow furrowed some as Temo pondered what the other wolf was trying to convey to him with only two words. After a few moments, his brow unfurled as he realized that "Noah" is the other's name and that he was asking if Temo was Jace's mate. With a slight grin he answered, "Good to meet you. And yes, I am Jace's mate."

He pondered why Noah chose to be a wolf of few words but was not bothered by it. He was used to try and fill in missing words in human texts that had not fared as well in the elements that nature had thrown at them since the demise of the humans. Temo was not used to using this process with spoken words and was thrilled with the chance to exercise a new technique.

With some effort, Temo tries to be more outgoing. Jace had told him after joining the Phoenix Valley pack that he needed to be less of a recluse and make friends. He had not done a very good job then but had decided to do better with this new pack. "How are you this fine day?" he asked the other as he tried to strike up a conversation.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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