And the worlds end

So much had happened recently. Her life was falling apart. She herself was changing into someone...different. More free, but more restrained. Her ear piercings felt odd, but she liked them. Was this what humans meant when they talked about midlife crisises? Perhaps.
A scent came to her. blood, fear. Deuce straightened, moved quickly. She'd placed herself in charge of borders. She'd met a lot of strangers at the borders and kept them out. Her bi-colored eyes were hard, cold as ice. And there was a wolf, white. By the river. In the lands, not just inside the borders. Deuce felt a growl building.
She intercepted the stranger quickly. A female. "May i help you, ma'am?" The words were corteous, though the tone was not. The tone as most definately unfirendly. Unwelcoming. Distant. She hated the idea that any female would come to these lands. She was probably one of Lucifer's toys. He sure had enough of them around.


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