Leaving my Finger[p]rints

Aww! <3

It was chance that Soran had hollered into that particular cave. Or fate, perhaps. Naniko was more one to believe in fate than in simple chance, though. Her luck really was turning. She reached up to clutch the gris-gris around her neck in her fist, giving it a small squeeze for comfort and to remember where she believed that good luck to have come. Things had been turning up in Anathema lately...she was very blessed. Perhaps the mateship ceremony and coming-of-age-ceremony that she'd given recently had given the Gods a clear view of her pack. They were sending her their blessings in the forms of long lost family members.

"You've come back for good, then?" She echoed some of Soran's words about coming back to be with her family, almost not daring herself to believe them. Her mother-figure would be back and she'd be able to see her whenever she had the time to go and seek her out? This was more than a dream come true to her, because before she'd left 'Souls to look for Selene and the rest of her family, she had felt as if she didn't have much to look forward to in life. Having come back with a good portion of the family in tow and having her loved ones return to her was simply unbelievable.

"We should go inside. Yes, I became pregnant a moon or so ago; they'll be here at the beginning of the next moon." She informed the other. "This will be my fourth live litter. At least..I hope they all come out nice and healthy. I can feel at least two...I'm not sure beyond that. I left the lands for a while to find some of my family and I returned home with them to create this place. There aren't many rules or restrictions in this pack...we just take care of each other and anyone is welcomed in, from any past. Especially if they aren't welcomed somewhere else. We live in these caves, below the ground. I was trying to get in one of the back entrances when I got stuck..my belly got in the way." Naniko explained, grinning as she pulled back, motioning for the older wolf to follow her to the front of the cave system while they talked. "What were the old lands like, Mother?"

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