[M] Body Maintenance

Word Count :: 339 :: Hopefully we can flesh this out more in pms… pms? Really? Haha.

While he had been distracted in watching her eat he hadn’t noticed the change in the atmosphere. The morning sun had disappeared; the air had thickened around them. The sky became pregnant and heavy. But he was too interested in this femme fatale to take notice of the weather. The darkened wood made her seem even that more ebony and it transfixed him. There was something unexplainably ethereal about her, but instead of angelic it was demonic. It excited him a little, because she was so different from him.

He noticed that as she ate her eyes seemed to glaze over and her chewing became robotic, almost like her soul had left her body. It was somewhat frightening; he wondered what she was going through, what would cause any creature to become so abject. But something about that look was extremely familiar and he tried to place it in his mind.

She responded to him facetiously, again with a cold demeanor. His soft smile had turned into a more intense gaze, but none the less still friendly. “Zalen.” He spoke, and an instant later the distant sky rumbled with an oncoming storm. Both ears swiveled back to the sound but the rest of him remained motionless as he stared at her. That’s when he remembered. That look, the distant gaze, it had been one that had many times been on the face of his mother. The thought of his dead parent seemed to suck the air from his lungs. His mother was kind and raised him well, but he would catch her at times with that look and a cloud of despair hanging over her crimson head. She never had a chance to tell him what caused her so much pain, he was too young and they were separated too soon.

Zalen came back from his reminiscing and looked at Lucia, “You remind me of my mother…” Before the words left his lips he regretted them. He hardly ever spoke of his mother, it brought back painful memories.

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